The Wonder Kids!



The seen-it-all-before MEDICAL EXAMINER, cigarette dangling from his lips, crouches next to the body methodically examining it and making notations in a spiral notebook. 

The POLICE PHOTOGRAPHER hovers above the corpse, SNAPPING photos from various angles. 

VAN BUREN addresses the entering CORONER’S ATTENDANTS:

                        VAN BUREN
         Tell Noguchi we're sending him 
         another R.I.P. V.I.P. 

He smiles at his own joke.

                 1ST CORONER'S ATTENDANT
         Who is she?
                        VAN BUREN
         Past tense.
                 1ST CORONER'S ATTENDANT
         I mean…who was she?

The 2ND CORONER’S ATTENDANT is just as clueless as he is.  VAN BUREN pulls an incredulous look at them.

                        VAN BUREN
         You're serious?  Where've you boys 
         been hiding?  They need to let you   
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